Children's Ringette is a program that provides age and stage appropriate physical activity experiences for young ringette players under the age of 10!
There are three age divisions within the Children's Ringette - FUNdamentals 1 (FUN1) FUNdamentals 2 (FUN2) and U10 (FUN3)
FUNdamentals 1 is for children who are new to ringette or skating, learning basic game structure, and still developing basic skills, this group plays cross-ice.
FUNdamentals 2 is for children who are learning to lengthen their stride, ready to learn more rules of ringette, and have developed some basic skills, this group plays mini ringette.
U10 is for children who demonstrate that they have acquired the physical, cognitive, and social readiness for more challenging play, this group plays full sized ringette.
CHILDREN'S RINGETTE PRESENTATION - A PowerPoint presented at the 2018 Ringette BC AGM & Conference reviewing the purpose and explaining the format of FUNdamentals
Read more about Ringette Canada's Children's Ringette Program here: Children's Ringette Guidelines
Check out these videos below to learn about some of the research behind the Children's Ringette Program, and to see what other sports are doing.